More Testimonials

Absolutely brilliant!

Absolutely brilliant! Exactly what I wanted. Andy is very friendly and has a great deal of knowledge and experience.

Very happy and excited

Hi Andy, thank you so much. The course helped me to understand not only how to use the functions on my camera but which settings to use for different types of situations. This is the platform I was looking for to help me capture images the way I would like to, very happy and excited.

Fantastic knowledge

Andy is great! Fantastic knowledge and he presents in a casual and absorbing manner.

Thanks very much Andy

The course was much better than anticipated. My expectation was that we would be walking around taking photos of various sites and being told what camera settings to use. The education provided on how to use the camera is far more valuable. Thanks very much Andy, I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Loads of fun

This course was loads of fun and made loads of things I’ve never understood make total sense. Andy is very welcoming and the whole experience was incredible. I would highly recommend this course.

Enjoyable course

Hi Andy, I really enjoyed the weekend travel photography course. It was really helpful to learn about techniques, functionality and practical side of photography. I feel I am closer to taking better pictures. I sure will be thinking of you as I travel the world and take pictures incorporating all that I learnt this weekend!

Very excited

Thank you Andy. I am now looking at photography in a whole new light. I was concerned it may be over my head, however I fully understood everything and am very excited to use the skills I have been shown by you.Thank you.

Very enjoyable

Thanks Andy, Had two great days, learned heaps.  Really enjoyed the night time photography and the company of the group who attended. Thanks to Di as well.  Hope you find time to have some lessons up here in Orange one day soon.  Looking forward to attending further workshops.  Thanks again for a very enjoyable weekend …

Very enjoyable Read More »

Fantastic teacher

You are a fantastic teacher, Andy. I really enjoyed the class and I found your individual attention to each person was a real feature of your class,especially taking the time to make sure everyone understood before moving on.

Wonderful course

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and hope to become a better photography with the new found knowledge that I discovered on this wonderful course. I would higly recommend this class.