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Absolutely brilliant

Absolutely brilliant. We now are not afraid of those other dials and buttons on the camera. Within the very first minute I was learning something new. Andy is casual, friendly, patient and very informative. Thank you so much from all the family.

So inspired

So inspired to go out and take photo’s and try out all the new things i have learnt! I didn’t think it was possible to learn so much in one day. Thanks so much you made the day a lot of fun and it was taught in a way that was really easy to understand!

Enjoyed your style

Thanks Andy, I found the course really useful and informative and, something I rarely say about “teachers”, I very much enjoyed your style. I’d recommend the course to anyone who, like me, had an interest but very little experience in photography. Thanks alot.

Fantastic workshop

Just want to say thank you again for a fantastic workshop. It was great to put into practice all the techniques that you mentioned throughout the day and I thoroughly enjoyed how hands-on and interactive the class was. I will be definitely recommending this workshop to friends.

A natural trainer

Thanks so much for a great day yesterday! Your workshop was very well planned & it’s very clear you know your stuff – you are a natural trainer. Hyde Park works perfectly as a location, with just the right variety of subjects to practice what we were learning & to keep us interested. I feel …

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You’re brilliant!

Andy – I immensely enjoyed your beginner’s class! As an amateur photographer, everything you taught me was perfect to get me started on my photography journey. Thank you so much, you’re brilliant!

Highly recommend

Hi Andy, many thanks for what was a very enjoyable and informative day. You have the talent to simplify the difficult for the novice. Learnt so much that I am now excited about my camera and photography. I can only highly recommend this workshop if you are interested in taking good quality photographs

Thank you

Di has been very helpful on the booking and follow up front, thank you. It was an enjoyable day and I look forward to putting it into practice. I can see that there is so much more to learn however I do not believe more could have been included in one day. Andy you have …

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Great teacher

I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 day workshop. The progression of the class was perfect as we started with the basics and built on these throughout. I have left feeling very confident. Andy was a great teacher and was able to explain everything in a way I could understand. The class felt very personalised and Andy …

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